Published by Waterside Productions, Inc.
Pax Wisdom
Through thought-provoking questions posed by author Penelope Jean Hayes and answers from the Spirit Messenger “Pax,” channeled by intuitive Carole Serene Borgens, the PAX WISDOM books, audio-books, videos and more, speak to all of mankind and what we need to know, now. This information is a tremendous gift from the Spirit World and these channeled works are awe-inspiring, once-in-a-generation writings.
About This Volume
THE LIKELY FUTURE is an urgent message from the Divine Source about the greatest plague of our time. In this channeled writing, the Source goes by “Pax.”
THE LIKELY FUTURE gives insight that cannot be found anywhere else. Pax answers direct questions and provides vital information including the virus origin, that a successful vaccine will be a long time coming, and what scientists should consider in order to fully eradicate the virus.
This dialogue is the truth we’ve been asking for, the clear warning we need, and a celestial love letter that speaks to each of us and the future of humanity. It’s provocative and awe-inspiring—and it’s what people around the world need to know about this pandemic.

Get the audiobook today!

"This is one of the most important books you will ever read." — Bill Gladstone, famed literary agent to bestselling authors Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara DeAngelis, John Assaraf, and many more.